10 x 20 Custom Printed Canopy

10 x 20 Custom Printed Canopy

Lizard Lit 10 x 10 Canopy Light Kit

Lizard Lit 10 x 10 Canopy Light Kit

Lizard Lit 10 x 20 Canopy Light Kit

Canopy light kit optimized for a 10×20 pop-up canopy. This light kit comes with (4) 4′ long 5000 lumen light modules, 2 power cords, attachment straps and connector cords to link multiple lights together for a total of 20,000 lumens to fully light your 10 x 20 canopy in a pit area. Lizard Lit Pit Lights is a veteran owned company and their lights are backed with a LIFETIME WARRANTY! Assembled in the USA.
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